
GEOG 103Introduction to Physical Geography: Landforms and Vegetation24
GEOG 206Geography of British Columbia2
GEOL 105Introduction to Physical Geology3
GEOL 114Earth's Natural Disasters4
HIST 100Early Medieval Europe14
HIST 101Later Medieval Europe14
HIST 105Pre-Confederation History of Canada10
HIST 106Post-Confederation History of Canada10
HIST 110Indigenous Peoples in Colonial North America1
HIST 111Indigenous Peoples in Late 19th and 20th Century North America1
HIST 200Europe from Renaissance to French Revolution10
HIST 201Europe from French Revolution to Present8
HIST 203Classical Islamic Civilization4
HIST 204Islam from the Mongols to the Modern Day2
KPU-ASKPU Access Studies2
KPU-AS 1KPU Access Studies1
LDRLeadership 100*7
LDR IILeadership 101*7
MATH 099Pre-Calculus II6
MATH 104Diff. Calc. for Business, Economics, Social Sciences21