Semesters » Winter 2006


CAST 102Introduction to the New TestamentAll 20 seats available
CLST 102Introduction to Roman CivilizationAll 20 seats available
COMM 203Social Issues CommunicationAll 20 seats available
ECON 202Principles of MacroeconomicsAll 15 seats available
ENGL 100Introduction to University WritingAll 35 seats available
ENGL 101Introduction to Literary GenresAll 25 seats available
ENGL 202English Literary Tradition (1750-1900)All 20 seats available
GEOL 105Introduction to Physical GeologyAll 18 seats available
GEOL 105Introduction to Physical GeologyAll 25 seats available
HIST 100Early Medieval EuropeAll 35 seats available
HIST 106Post-Confederation History of CanadaAll 20 seats available
MATH 204Diff. Calc. for Business, Economics, Social SciencesAll 10 seats available
PHIL 102Philosophy from Post-Aristotelic Period to Early MedievalAll 35 seats available
PHIL 103Introduction to PhilosophyAll 25 seats available
POLI 100Modern Western PoliticsAll 25 seats available
PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology IIAll 30 seats available
THEO 600Field Based Learning/ Reflection SeminarAll 10 seats available