Semesters » Fall 2007


AES IIAcademic Reading and WritingAll 15 seats available
CAST 102Introduction to the New TestamentAll 35 seats available
CAST 208Major Shapers of the Christian Tradition (Augustine to Aquinas)All 35 seats available
CLST 101Introduction to Greek CivilizationAll 35 seats available
ECON 201-APrinciples of MicroeconomicsAll 35 seats available
ECON 201-BPrinciples of MicroeconomicsAll 35 seats available
ENGL 099Introduction to Academic Writing SkillsAll 25 seats available
ENGL 100-AIntroduction to University WritingAll 25 seats available
ENGL 100-BIntroduction to University WritingAll 25 seats available
ENGL 100-CIntroduction to University WritingAll 25 seats available
ENGL 201English Literary Tradition (1350-1750)All 25 seats available
FILM 110Introduction to Film and Media StudiesAll 35 seats available
FILM 210History of Cinema I (1895-1930)All 35 seats available
FINA 101Introduction to TheatreAll 20 seats available
FINA 224Islamic Art and ArchitectureAll 35 seats available
FREN 123French Language and Literature IAll 25 seats available
HIST 100Early Medieval EuropeAll 35 seats available
HIST 105Pre-Confederation History of CanadaAll 35 seats available
MATH 100Finite MathematicsAll 35 seats available
MATH 102Pre-CalculusAll 35 seats available
MATH 204-ADiff. Calc. for Business, Economics, Social SciencesAll 35 seats available
MTHD 400-AMethods in Study and Research IAll 35 seats available
MTHD 400-BMethods in Study and Research IAll 35 seats available
MTHD 400-CMethods in Study and Research IAll 35 seats available
MTHD 402-AMethods in Study and Research IIIAll 35 seats available
MTHD 402-BMethods in Study and Research IIIAll 35 seats available
PHIL 101Greek Philosophy from Pre-Socratics to AristotleAll 35 seats available
PHIL 202History of Philosophy from Descartes to KantAll 35 seats available
POLI 201International PoliticsAll 35 seats available
PSYC 100-AIntroduction to Psychology IAll 35 seats available
PSYC 100-BIntroduction to Psychology IAll 35 seats available
SJPS 101Social Justice Special Topics IAll 35 seats available